We work with the ANGLES Maths Hubs to implement a mastery approach to maths teaching. Maths mastery is centred around helping the children to achieve a deep, long-term and secure understanding of the subject. Children can then use their knowledge to problem solve and reason.
To ensure whole school consistency and progression, the school uses the DfE approved ‘Power Maths’ scheme. To increase confidence, arithmetic sessions are also held in the afternoons. This ensures that these concepts are sequenced logically and practiced routinely in order to develop deep and lasting understanding.
We want all children to be able to:
- understand basic concepts and the relationships between concepts
- understand and use a variety of pictorial representations
- communicate mathematics confidently in oral and written forms
- remember basic number facts, mathematical vocabulary and notation
- discuss their ideas
- gather, present and interpret data effectively
- use the mathematics they have learned in a range of contexts especially making links to everyday life
- develop perseverance and commitment through mathematics problem solving