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At Chilton, we want our children to leave school being able to read and write in any subject, have a love of reading and an understanding of our literacy heritage that continues through to adulthood. We want children to have an interest in words and their meanings and be able to use these in a range of contexts. We want our children to be able to write coherently and be able to write for a variety of purposes and audiences. We believe that our children should be able to speak clearly and coherently and be able to discuss their views and opinions.


Phonics provides children with key skills that support the successful development of reading and writing and confident access to the wider curriculum. We use the Read Write Inc scheme to teach daily lessons and match these to decodable books. We have chosen this scheme because of the strong research supporting its impact. Regular assessments and staff training ensure that children receive effective support.

The link provides further information for parents and carers Read Write Inc information


We know that enjoyment of reading and knowledge of vocabulary is a key indicator of success. Our reading curriculum is centered around core texts for each year group. These books have been chosen to encompass a wide range of themes, authors and genres to support children in broadening their reading diet, understanding different cultures and the world around them. The books link to the writing and the wider curriculum through vocabulary, allowing children to revisit and use their developing knowledge in different contexts. Daily reading lessons support children to understand and interrogate the text. The CUSP curriculum supports the teaching of reading in the school.

Once children have moved on from the phonetic, decodable reading books, their home reading choices are supported using Accelerated Reader. Further information can be found at the bottom of the page. Children are able to choose home reading books from the range in the school library, or the challenge books for each year group. Children are able to pick from a broad selection of classic and contemporary books and from a diverse range of authors. Assemblies promote a love of reading and rewards are linked to reading successes.


Writing is a life skill and underpins our whole curriculum. We expose children to a rich and diverse range of experiences to challenge, deepen and apply English skills and knowledge throughout the curriculum. Expert subject knowledge is carefully woven into each writing module, which gives teachers the opportunity to teach and rehearse key knowledge and skills before applying this learning to meaningful extended outcomes. The careful architecture of this curriculum ensures that pupils build on prior learning and maximise purposeful curriculum connections to become writers for life. The CUSP curriculum supports the teaching of writing in the school.

Handwriting is taught systematically and progressively from the Reception year.

More information on the CUSP reading and writing curriculum can be found here: CUSP curriculum